The Journey isn't Supposed to be Easy

Who in this world is not asked by life to find their strength? As we negotiate who we are and how we will live, did anyone say our journey was supposed to be easy?

And who said we were supposed to be happy? Because happiness isn’t a given, it’s a choice that’s given—offered to everyone.

Moving into our strength is the core of this journey, and it entails having the courage to know yourself.

What a gift our challenges can be when we allow them to work through us rather than seeing them as working against us.

Our challenges show us who we are and what we’ve become.

They show us what needs to be changed, and what we need to strive for. And they show us, through their reflection, what we’re meant to be. Our challenges are the best exercise in integrity and volition that we have.

Don’t make your life about blaming others and events for who you believe you’ve become. Stop playing victim to your struggles and your fears, they’re yours to work. Point at yourself for the cause of your unhappiness, it’s too easy to point outward. Because when we can stop living in the addictions of the mind, we can begin to reclaim what we’re meant to be. We can realign with a journey that inspires peace, find a refuge filled with heart-centered breath. Our internal stance naturally shifts, and we see life filled with opportunity, we see a life that’s meant to be challenging, one that provides guidance and lessons far greater than that challenge. And here lies our possibilities for freedom. In this place of heart, we find the willingness to own and take responsibility for ourselves, and to reclaim the deep core of our essence and our truth. Here, we regain an understanding that our challenges can be seen in the light that they were created through, a search for truth. That they hold wisdom, knowledge, and continuously point us toward remembering who we are and how to live. That it’s in how we hold our life that our experience is formed.